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About Us.


Welcome peasant.

The internet is a vast and wonderful place, but it's easy to get sucked into time-wasting rabbit holes. Here are some tips to make sure you're having a good time online:

Be intentional:

  • Know what you want to get out of it: Are you looking to learn something new? Relax and unwind? Connect with people? Having a goal in mind will help you find the right activities.
  • Set time limits: The internet can be endlessly distracting. Set a timer to avoid getting lost in endless scrolling.
  • Follow your passions: Dive deep into topics you love. If you're into gaming, check out developer interviews or strategy guides. Love fashion? Explore online fashion communities or virtual showrooms.
  • Learn something new: There are countless resources for learning online, from YouTube tutorials to educational websites like Khan Academy.
  • Join online communities: Find forums or social media groups focused on your interests. Interact with like-minded people and have meaningful conversations.
  • Stay in touch with loved ones: Use video chat or social media to connect with friends and family who live far away.
  • Curate your feed: On social media platforms, unfollow accounts that bring you down or make you feel bad.
  • Take breaks from negativity: If you see something upsetting, step away from the internet and do something you enjoy offline.
  • Be cautious of clickbait: Don't click on suspicious links or ads.
  • Beware of online scams: Be skeptical of unsolicited offers and do your research before making any purchases online.
  • Balance online and offline time: Don't neglect your real-life relationships and activities.
  • Get up and move: Sitting for long periods can be unhealthy. Set reminders to take breaks and stretch.

Explore your interests:

Connect with others:

Be mindful of negativity:

Explore safely:

Make it a well-rounded experience:

By following these tips, you can make sure the internet enhances your life and helps you have a good time online.
